Some things about girls...

Joinade en grupp på Facebook som heter typ 45 thing bout girls elr ngt. Vissa stämmer bara så jävla bra att jag måste lägga upp dem O.o De är fan exaktabilden av mig!! Och säkert inte bara mig :D LÄS!

2. Every girl think she's pretty in one way or another. They just won't admit it.

3. Girls will save instant message conversations when they like a guy and just re-read it and smile occasionally.  <--- HAHA! Så jävla typiskt mig jöö!

4. Girls hate it when other girls flirt. Yet they flirt themselves too. OOOHH, the irony.

7. A girl will cry over you a lot more than you think, or can ever imagine. so emotional :'(

8. Girs LOVE♥ guys with sensitive sides, they don't like a guy to act rock hard all the time.

9. Girls love confidence. not cockiness. confidence :D

12. When a girl is crying, she feels a lot safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything is going to be alright.

14. Girls always daydream about there crush/bf/gf they just dont show it.  <-- Hehe, trodde det va bara jag.. ;)

15. The smallest gestures, the smallest stares, and the smallest statements could make a girl's year. No joke.

16. When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever, but remember not to over use something, so it always stays special.

19. Girls go crazy when a guy smells good, usually the natural scent of their bf is just like cocaine, so addictive

20. Girls love it when a guy pulls them close by the waist. ♥

23. When girls are online, they want the guy to instant message them first, and they
literally burn up inside when they're not messaged. Of course, when they are messaged, they play it all cool and go "oh, hey" as if they just discovered your message[SO TRUE]

27. A kiss on the neck with the right timing can be a REAL TURN-ON. <-- Ahh.. O.o

29. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times. NO MATTER HOW AWKWARD IT IS FOR EVERYONE ELSE :P

32. If a girl really likes you, she will always remember the times she's kissed you, although she wont admit it.

34. Girls dont like to wait. so a guy should make a move.. especially if the girl told him she likes him

36. I'm cold means give me a hug, or your hoodie! (Y)

37. A girl can tell if something is wrong. so instead of hiding it tell them because otherwise it will play on their mind and they will think its them that's upset you.

38. when the girl makes the choice to go and sit with his friends with him.. tickle her or pick her up and take her to her friends and stand with her friends... it will make her feel you care about her loads :)

40. If a girl says maybe later to something, she means no. So take the hint and shut up!!  <-- SÅ jävla fucking sant...

44. messing with a girl on her period's the last thing she needs

45. girls love it when guys play with their hair

Anonym skrev:

allt är såå sant! :)

2010-01-06 | 18:28:41

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